An Update to Our Big Moving Day!!

WARNING: The following post has absolutely nothing to do with school. So, if you are looking for some great idea for your classroom, this is not the post for you! 

This post is simply to update you, my fabulous readers and followers, with the shenanigans that I call my life. 

If you are a loyal follower (which I KNOW you are) then you already know that my family is moving soon. <If you missed this post the first go around, stop now, click here and read all about it!>  

Yes, we are still moving to England...and boy oh boy, time is moving quickly!!

We actually leave the country in less than 2 weeks!!  YIKES!! Where did all the time go? It felt like we had forever until we were leaving and now, all of the sudden, March is here and it's almost time to make our big move.

In fact, this week will be my last week with my school kiddos. After this week, Spring Break starts so this Friday will be my last day with them. Ughhh.... my stomach churns just writing that. I know that I am going to be an emotional wreck-- or as I like to call it, a HOT MESS!!

Since I last wrote to let you know about my big move, a lot has changed! 
We have sold our house, sold our 2 cars, sold more than half of our belongings (since the houses are so small over there), the movers packed us up, shipped our stuff across the world and we have moved into temporary lodging at our local base. 

The temporary lodging is not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  It's a lot smaller of course (picture a one bedroom, fully furnished apartment) but it has been very do-able for us.  I guess it is God's way of preparing us for our future smaller British house! And I thought that only having a little bit of our stuff with us would be so rough--but it hasn't been at all. I haven't truly missed anything. It just feels like we lead a way simpler life with a lot less extra "stuff"! It's amazing that what you thought was so important, really isn't once you don't have it.

So for now, I sit here thinking about this coming week.  I have determined that since my grades have been put in, it's my time to have fun with my school kiddos. It's my week to spoil my kids and really enjoy them! Too often, we forget to just have fun.  To often we are so rushed with everything we need to get done in a day and we forget that these little kids need us--all of us.  So this week, I have vowed to give them me.  I am going to plan fun activities to do with them like painting, playing with Play-dough, using sidewalk chalk and drawing. I am going to sit with them, chat with them, do puzzles with them and truly just enjoy them!!

I am also working on my going away gifts for them.  I will be showing you those soon!! I hope they love them!

My parents arrive later this week to visit us one last time in the states. It is sure to be a great time. They will be leaving for home a few days before we actually fly out of the country.  Why won't they see us off you ask? It's honestly because I'm not sure that either of us could do good-bye's at the airport on THE day.  Again, I'm already going to be a hot mess the day we leave and then to add saying bye to my parents would probably send me (and them) over the edge.  We all decided it would be best to just say "see ya later" a few days before the big day.  

I'll be back soon to show you my gift I'm making for all of my kiddos.  I really hope they love it. And of course, I'll keep you updated with our big move and I'll be sure to include pictures!!

Thanks for all of your love, support and prayers! 
I love you all.


  1. Happy Travels! What an exciting and emotional time for you and your family! I can't wait to follow your adventures!

  2. May God bless your move !!! Can you keep in touch ? We will all be here to give you that support as you get use to all the newness in England. Have a wonderful, safe, exciting, love filled adventure.......Blessings, Carol


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